Tag: mission

This parking spot should be free

A parking meter named Jesus.

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Wheep eet, wheep eet reel goode

Nothing says high class like whip-its on the corner of 18th and Mission. Bonus: They’re European.

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Only 1.00.$!

Yippie! It’s stawerri season.

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Cantaloupe? More like, ‘can’t find any’

So much for my dream of getting rich off of cantaloupes. By the time I arrived, they were all gone.

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I see what you did there

I’d like a capp of cawfee.

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Stretch, but please don’t break

Yes, this is exactly what you think it is. Why did this happen? No idea.

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None of that white crap!


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‘3 Down, 4 to Go’

Can’t think of a more fitting album to find on a street known for hookers.

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Maybe she had something to say?

Someone painted over the ad in its entirety except for this woman’s face. Creepy as hell.

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Sure, pigeons get married, but they ‘cantaloupe’

Pigeon investigating cantaloupe massacre.

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